Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Cousin You Will Meet At The Reunion

Our cousins name is Katy and she first met Aunt Hattie...... If you get a chance send her an email and say hi....... Her family split from ours with the John Fletcher era...

Hey Cousins,

I'm the cousin from Ark.. Jill was telling you about, and I am so excited & so much looking forward in meeting all of you. My brother Kenneth who lives in Germany put me in touch with Leon Hamiter (a 4th cousin) on this genealogy which I am so glad as i found a lot of relatives (this includes all of you) that I haven't seen or been in touch with for years.

Here is a bit of information about me: I'm Katy (Hamiter) Silvernail I was born in Ozan, Ark. (Hempstead County) to Guy Lester and Mary Elbe Hamiter on Oct. 7, 1936. My grandfather was Tippet Monroe Hamiter and G-Grandfather was John Fletcher Hamiter. My Grandfather was born Jan 6,1861 in Claiborne Parish,La.and he died in Hope, Ark. on Jan 21,1938 and buried in Old Macedonia Cemetery (Hempstead County Ark). My Great Grandfather was born in 1837 in Alabama and died in 1901 in (Cove, Ark.) Polk County, Ark. He is buried in Foote Cemetery Polk Co.

My husband Ray & I have been married for 52 years have 3 children and 8 grandchildren we have lived here in Sugarland, Texas for 28 years and all the kids and grand kids live close by.

Looking forward seeing you----


1 comment:

German Shepherd said...

I just came across the Hamiter Reunion blog while searching the web for family info on my mother's side. My name is John Kaiser. My mother was Callie Hamiter Kaiser, daughter of John Ashby Hamiter of Patmos AR (for whom I was named). I know that my mom had an Uncle Tip and that her paternal grandfather was in the CSA. I believe that I visited my great-great-grandfather's, John Fletcher Hamiter's, gravesite among others in 1991. I would be interested in contact with other branches of the Hamiter family. My email is jekaiser@aol.com.