Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Reunion.....Success

The family reunion was a great success. Everyone who attended seemed to have a wonderful time and look forward to next year. Check out the slide show I posted earlier today. The slide show consist of pictures from the reunion. Please if you took pictures email them to me so that I can add them.... We will keep the post going as long as possible, and it would help a great deal if you would post items throughout the year. I'll try to remind you from time to time in your email. That way we can keep up with each other. Thanks to all of you who came yesterday the cleanup was really appreciated. I don't know about you but I was exhausted..... Sorry it was warm, when we got there it was really cool.... I should have thought about bringing fans but lesson learned. Anyway, so next year with more people working on the reunion I bet it will go off absolutely perfect. Feel free to comment and have fun....


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